Global Walkabout


Keep Walkin’ With She’ Walkin

Become a She’ Walkin Contributor

Walk with Us! Create Your Walking Video & Join the She Walkin Community.

Lens to Landscape

Capture a destination or location through your lens that you want the world to behold.

Imprinting Legacy

Leave a lasting mark on the world by sharing the beauty of a place close to your heart. Let your unique perspective shine through as you create a memorable connection between yourself and the destination you’ve shared.

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Global Walkabout: Let’s Explore Together!

Imagine Google Maps brought to life by adventurers like you. Every street, landmark, and hidden gem is an opportunity for discovery. But we need your help to make it happen faster.

“Global Walkabout” isn’t just a campaign – it’s a movement. Join our community of world explorers, share your travel experiences, and create videos that inspire others. Let’s explore, discover, and celebrate the richness of our world together.

Let's celebrate our world's richness and each member's unique perspective in our community.
Experience the cultural essence we all share, deepening our connection to the places we explore.
Let's create virtual tours of the entire world, showcasing its beauty and diversity together.
Explore the World Virtually
Travel restrictions are a thing of the past! Join us on captivating virtual walking tours and discover hidden gems across the globe from the comfort of your home.
Share Your Travel Expertise
Are you passionate about a particular destination? Lead a virtual walking tour and share your unique perspective with a global audience.
Connect with Fellow Adventurers
Join a vibrant community of women who share your love of exploration. Build friendships, exchange travel tips, and be inspired by other women on the move.
Empower Yourself & Others
Become a virtual guide and share your travel stories. Be an inspiration to other women and help break down barriers in the world of travel.

Become a She' Walkin Contributor

Global Walkabout

One Step at a time

Become a She' Walkin Contributor

Global Walkabout

One Step at a time

Our Walking Companions

She’ Walkin Virtual Walking Tour Creation Guide

Step 1: Introduction

  • Hit Record: Start recording your video.
  • Introduce Yourself: Smile brightly and say, “Hello and welcome back to She’s Walkin’! Today, I’m [Your Name] and I’m taking you on a virtual walk along [Street Name]!”

Step 2: Capture the Walk

  • Turn the Camera: Slowly turn the camera to reveal the street you’ll be walking along. Capture a wide shot that showcases the overall atmosphere and any landmarks.
  • Narrate as You Walk: Begin walking at a comfortable pace. As you walk, narrate your experience.

Step 3: Wrap up & Share

  • End the Walk: As you reach the end, capture a final scene, thank viewers for joining, stop recording.
  • Sharing: Save & transfer video to shared drive labeled clearly (Your Name, Location, Tour Title).

Love from our Community

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